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Screen Printing Blog

foco halogeno insoladora casera

Build your home insolator for less than € 50

Today I'm going to tell you how to build your own insolating homemade for less than € 50. And when I say homemade I do not mean seedy, with this...
by Ronny Garcia on October 18, 2021
Construye tu insoladora con luces LED para serigrafía con mueble de IKEA

Build your insolator with LED lights for screen printing with furniture from IKEA

In this article I'm going to show you how to build your screen printing machine with LED lights with the help of an IKEA furniture, don't worry if you don't...
by Ronny Garcia on September 21, 2021

New Telegram Group - Serigraph Help and Tips

A few weeks ago I came up with the idea of creating a Telegram group where we can ask and talk about screen printing, both about the technique and about...
by Ronny Garcia on May 13, 2021

What mesh is right for me?

To get high-quality screen printing, one of the things you should pay attention to is the numbering of the mesh you use on your screens. What exactly is mesh numbering?...
by Ronny Garcia on November 14, 2018

What t-shirts to use for printing in summer?

In addition to the photolith, the screen and the inks that we use in our daily work, there is something very important and one that we do not pay as...
by Ronny Garcia on August 09, 2018

SBK paper inks - Screen printing WHITE on BLACK

A few months ago we met Marti Alcon, illustrator of Olesa de Montserrat (Cat), you can visit him in his account Instagram or visit your Web. We have been lucky and...
by Ronny Garcia on June 11, 2018



Pulpo en su tinta nació a principios del 2009 por la necesidad de querer hacer camisetas con diseños propios. Ahorré lo que pude durante unos meses y compré montón de material de serigrafía.

Al principio, como la gran mayoría, hice serigrafía en casa, peleando con la emulsión, tiempos de insolado, manchando toda la ropa que había por mi habitación, probaba tintas... ¡Maldita laca, como podías secar tan rápido!.

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